FeelsGuy is Wojak's original name, often used as a reaction image to represent feelings such as melancholy, regret or loneliness.

FeelsGuy is Wojak's original name, often used as a reaction image to represent feelings such as melancholy, regret or loneliness.


FEELSGUY 's Tokenomics

Meme Supply

There are
69,420,000,000 FEELSGUY

Burned Liquidity

The liquidity is 100% burned, so the LP is "locked" forever.

0/0 Taxes

No taxes
no worries

Incredibly popular

"Wojak, often referred to as "Feels Guy," is an internet meme character that originated from early imageboard culture. His name, derived from the Polish word for "soldier," reflects his melancholic and introspective persona. Initially known as "Feels Guy" due to his association with expressions of sadness, nostalgia, and longing, Wojak quickly became a symbol for conveying complex emotions and relatable experiences online.


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How to buy FEELSGUY

1 - Create a Wallet

Download metamask or your preferred wallet from the app store or google play. If on desktop, get the browser extension by going to metamask.io

2 - Get Ethereum

You can buy ETH directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet. You'll need it to swap to $FEELSGUY .

3 - Go to Uniswap

Go to app.uniswap.org & connect your wallet. Paste the $FEELSGUY token address, select $FEELSGUY and confirm. Then, sign the prompt's transaction.

4 - HOLD

You now hold $FEELSGUY , so sit back and relax.